Fearful aggressive dog
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So my dog is fear aggressive mostly of men and people holding large objects.

I brought her into my home as a pup a little over a year ago and at the time I had no idea she was aggressive and I wouldn't know until she ran up to my father and bit him as he was walking away from her.Horrible as it is to say had I known she was as aggressive as she was I would not have taken her home, it became clear to me very quickly that this dog would be put to sleep if she ended up a shelter so I have stuck by her and I do love her immensely even though she's been a real handful.

As a puppy she was scared of all men and attempted to bite the vet when she went in to be vaccinated, so I took her to dog training and with the trainers' help she's improved tremendously provided she is not at home she will tolerate people patting her ect but is still aggressive towards anyone who enters the yard/house and attempted to bite a family member who came to visit a week or two back even after accepting treats from him, the moment he turned his back to her she nipped at his jacket.

I've sought advice on Dogster and despite my question being featured on the front page for about 3 days didn't really receive any new information only to continue what I was doing and be patient with her so I thought I'd try here as well.

Just recently a little girl was killed by a dog in my state and in response the laws are being changed in regards to dangerous dogs, their owners will be held criminally responsible for their dog's behavior. So if she bites someone now not only would she be endangering her own life but it could also put me in prison for up to 15 years.

I've talked to the dog trainers about a boarding school they run for dogs and they agree this could be very good for her but it's very expensive and I'm jobless at 19 and don't really have much money to spare but if I see no improvement in Violet in the next few weeks that might be a possibility.

If anyone has had any experience with dogs who have behaved similarly I'd love to hear any advice you may have for us I feel Violet's improvement has come to a halt and I could really use some advice.

09-4-2011 at 11:45 AM
Here yuh go<br /> http://www.dolittle-training.com/<br /> <br /> http://www.angelswithpaws.com.au/<br /> <br /> http://www.pawbehaviour.com.au/<br /> Hope that helps ^_^ You can email/call them, let them know your situation and see what they say.

09-4-2011 at 2:21 AM
I sent my friend a message. I should hear back by this morning.

09-4-2011 at 1:28 AM
I certainly would like to help my dog I'm much rather put in the hard yards with her then live without her so that would be great, I've only heard of one behaviorist in my state- I'm in Victoria, Australia- her website is pets behaving badly and is easily found with a google search if that will help.

09-4-2011 at 1:12 AM
You don't need a trainer, you need a behaviorist. Someone educated in the science behind dog behavior and how to help you change it. If you want to work to help your dog I can give you the contact information of a qualified behaviorist near you. (I have close ties with several behaviorists who know many across the world and if they qualify or not.)

09-1-2011 at 3:17 PM
She's a mix of German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer and Mastiff.

09-1-2011 at 4:32 AM
What breed is she?

09-1-2011 at 4:24 AM
We've been working with the dog trainers for a little over a year now already, she showed steady improvement for the first 3 or maybe 5 months or so and there's been little change in her since.

09-1-2011 at 4:19 AM
<i>"I'm thinking at this point I'll see how she goes for another week or two"</i><br>Assuming you're talking about working with the dog-trainer..I would try training for longer than a week or two. Fear is not something you can easily get out of a dog. I do wish you the best though, I hope your dog learns that not everybody is to be feared.
edit history
2011-09-01 04:19:58 by #5484

08-31-2011 at 9:10 PM
I have considered many times re-homing her, I brought it up last night with my mother and sister they're very much against it but I'm starting to think I might have to. I'll be speaking to a dog trainer who has had a lot of experience with aggressive dogs either this weekend or next week. I'm thinking at this point I'll see how she goes for another week or two and if there's still no change I'll talk to the dog trainers about re-homing her. It would break my heart to see her go but really anything is better then her being put to sleep for biting someone.<br /> <br /> Thanks for that link by the way, it looks like it has some good information.

08-31-2011 at 8:20 PM
I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but a dog is not worth going to prison for ~15 years. Find someone who is good with training dogs or find a no-kill shelter.<br>I don't know if it's fear-aggression if she's willingly running at people and biting people who enter the yard. An aggressive dog is a living weapon, find someone who knows how to own an animal like that and knows how to turn the safety on.<br><br><a href=https://www.msu.edu/~silvar/fear.htm rel=nofollow>[Info link]</a>
edit history
2011-08-31 20:24:17 by #5484
2011-08-31 20:23:30 by #5484


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